
Vote Tom Kane
for Mayor

A New Era for Our City

Let's turn Wichita into a
city of the future.

Wichita is a special place, and I believe that we can make it an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. Together, we can build a stronger economy, a safer community, and a more engaged and inclusive city. Thank you for your support, and let’s work together to make Wichita the best it can be.

Thomas J Kane For Wichita Mayor

Why Vote for Tom Kane?

In the race for mayor, I stand not as a typical politician, but as a testament to resilience, hard work, and the indomitable human spirit. Raised in poverty, I’ve faced and overcome significant challenges, including recovering from drugs and homelessness at the age of 23. Yet, I turned adversity into a catalyst for change and growth, establishing my own company just 13 years later.

My extensive experience in business spans 14 years, during which I’ve held roles ranging from a supervisor and manager to director and owner, overseeing both local, national and global operations. My journey has instilled in me a deep understanding of diverse perspectives, the importance of community, and the value of hard work and determination.

I am not the only person in human history that had a late start. Today, I may be trailing in the mayoral race, but I am reminded that many great stories began with humble origins. My aim is not just to be another name on the ballot, but to offer voters a different and unique choice—someone who has walked in their shoes, overcome adversity, and brings a unique blend of real-world experience and compassionate leadership.

I stand for all those who believe in second chances, in the power of resilience, and in the possibility of positive change. A vote for me is a vote for a city led with understanding, determination, and a steadfast belief in the potential of its people.